Wednesday, July 10, 2013

We're back!

After taking a break from blogging for the past three years, Buck and I have finally decided to come back and let all our fans know what we've been up to.

Since March 9, 2010 (our last entry), we have moved from northern California to Salt Lake City for a year, then to Maui, Hawaii for a year and currently are living in Fort Collins, Colorado.  We now have two awesome kids, Cody, age 3 and Jackson, age 1.  Cody's adventure name is Scout and Jackson's is Turbo.

Here are a few pictures to help you catch up ...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Post

So "Natasha" and "Buck Jagger" are the names that Blake and I use whenever we're doing anything exciting like climbing a mountain together or going bowling. Hopefully whatever we report to you here will be somewhat interesting or at least informative. Blake and I have been known to up and disappear for days or even weeks at a time, so this blog should help ease the minds of some of our friends and family to let people know what we're up to and that we're still alive if they haven't been able to reach us by phone or email.

I have to thank my lil bro, Brett, for setting this blog up for us and therefore forcing us to be part of the online diary fad. Hope you all enjoy!